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About the Book:
we are working with Cambridge assessment international education to gain endorsement for this forthcoming series. confidently select and apply the appropriate mathematical techniques to solve problems; ensure full coverage of the latest Cambridge IGCSE and br>o level additional Mathematics syllabuses (0606/4037) with a comprehensive student's book written by an accomplished team of authors and examiners. - fully engage with mathematical concepts using discussion points to prompt deeper thinking. - apply mathematical techniques to solve problems through a variety of activities. - encourage full understanding of mathematical principles with 'bubble text' Providing additional explanations. - Develop mathematical techniques with plenty of opportunities for practice. Available in this series: student Textbook (ISBN 9781510421646) student Textbook (ISBN 9781510420533) white Board etextbook (ISBN 9781510420540) Workbook (ISBN 9781510421653) Online Teacher's guide (ISBN 9781510424180).
Support Cambridge exam success- fully supports the latest Cambridge IGCSE Additional Mathematics syllabus
Strengthen understanding with a wealth of practice material and careful question progression
Ensure thorough comprehension with worked examples that demonstrate exactly how problem are solved
Build a strong foundation for further study with clear and concise explanations that show why mathematical techniques are relevant
Prepare for Cambridge assessment with a Cambridge revision section and end-of-term revision exercises
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