A bestselling preparatory guide book on quantitative aptitude for Common Entrance Test or CAT, Quantitative Aptitude for CAT is essentially based on the current CAT syllabus and covers all the recent trends and patterns of the examination. Not just CAT, the book has found favourable readers among other candidates appearing for professional examinations such as XAT, MAT, IIFT, SNAP, etc. Quantitative aptitude is one of the most important and difficult portion of the CAT examinations, which this book attempts to address. It broadly covers all the formats that have been appearing in past years question papers, is learning friendly and has a scientific approach to it. In the many topics put together, the concepts, the reasoning and the resulting answers have all be explained by way of examples, where ever possible and by illustrations and graphs, where required. There book has been divided into six sections, which are: Numbers, Averages and Mixtures, Arithmetic and Word-based problems, Geometry, Algebra and Counting. These sections have further been broken down chapters and exercises related to the section. However, to assist the students converging from varied academic backgrounds to cope up with the syllabus easily, the book has a ready reckoner section titled, 'First Things First’ right at the start which discusses elementary concepts chapters, like Addition and Subtractions, Multiplications, Division, Ratio and Proportions, Percentage calculations and square roots and cubes. At the end of each section and chapter there are practice exercises and model test papers that help one to do a self evaluation about the preparedness level achieved. The book also includes 'Solved Papers’ that enable students to understand how the questions can be solved within the allotted timeframe. Last but not the least, question papers of IIFT 2013, XAT 2014 and SNAP 2011 are also there in the book for the benefit of the students. This is the 6th edition of the book that was published