Based upon the many workshops they ran for parents and teens, separately and together, Faber and Mazlish present communication strategies to ease the tough transition from childhood to adulthood in a culture they describe as “meaner, ruder, cruder, more materialistic, more sexualized, more violent than ever before.” Whether the problem is curfews, cliques, peer pressure, grades, cyber-bullying, smoking pot, or having sex, parents will learn new ways of dealing with these difficult issues. And, as parents who have used these methods attest, teens are much more likely to open up, think critically, exercise good judgment and even seek advice from adults who know how to talk and listen. Packed with true stories, typical scenarios, instructive comic strips, and reminder pages that highlight the ideas in each chapter, HOW TO TALK SO TEENS WILL LISTEN & LISTEN SO TEENS WILL TALK demonstrates the communication skills that will give parents the know-how they need to enjoy a mutually respectful relationship with their teenage son or daughter. Parents will discover how rewarding it can be to: Listen and respond helpfully to their teenager’s concerns Express their own anger or irritation honestly but not hurtfully Use positive alternatives to punishment Help their teens to believe in themselves Solve problems by inviting teens to become part of the solution Take advantage of small opportunities to talk with their teens about drugs and sex without preaching and alienating. Teenagers will discover: What other kids their age have to say about their conflicts and frustrations Specific skills for getting along better with their friends Respectful ways to voice their annoyan1.69ce with their parents’ behavior