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About the Book:
Readers Respond To RealAge
"After taking the RealAge quiz, I discovered that I am three years younger than my chronological age. Since then, I have made some life changes. I am eating better, exercising, and taking my vitamins daily. As time progresses, I expect to reduce my RealAge even more." -- Laurette Dominguez, Des Moines, WA
"I am a breast cancer survivor of two years. After reading your book, I was surprised to find out that I am 2.74 years younger than my chronological age! By changing a few simple routines in my life, RealAge has taught me how I can make myself even younger. Thank you very much!" -- Kat Middaugh, Greencastle, PA
"My calendar age is 41 and my RealAge is 37.5. I was so inspired by Oprah's show, which featured your book, that I have decided to further improve my RealAge. Thanks to you and your book, I'm working every day to become younger ... I never want to grow old!" -- Kim Claudy, Greenville, OH
"Your book has taught me a lot and I have started following some of your suggestions. With diet and daily exercise, I have lost 130 pounds. Every morning I check your Web site for new information on getting younger. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!" -- Dan PHillips, Port Orchard, WA
"I read RealAge in one day -- it was that compelling. The fact that you could ascribe years gained or lost to each and every action left an indelible impression on me. You punched the right button!" -- DR. Jen W. Chiu, Singapore
"I am only sorry that it comes at this late date when so many opportunities to delay my aging have passed me by." -- William K. Hamilton, M.D.. Associate Dean, University of California, San Francisco
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