This extensively revised and fully updated second edition is designed as a textbook for M.A. (Education), M.Ed., M.A. (Psychology and Sociology) and for research students pursuing courses in Statistics related to these subjects. It takes into account the present syllabi of various universities and institutes of education across the country. What's New to the Second Edition • Six new chapters added with empha-sis on advanced statistical concepts and techniques such as the following: - Biserial correlation, point biserial correlation, tetrachoric correlation, phi coefficient, partial and multiple correlation. - Transfer of raw scores into standard scores, T, C and Stanine scores. - Non-parametric tests like the McNemar test, Sign test, Wilcoxon test, Median test, U test, Runs test, and KS test. - Analysis of covariance. Some chapters modified and reshuffled to reflect the new emphasis. Entire text thoroughly checked and marked improvements made to bring the topics uptodate.