The Indian classics are very old. They reflect the stream of thought and wisdom of India. The Vedas and the Upanishads are the oldest. The Ramayana and the Mahabharatha, which have a central place in our lore, are read and sung in homes all over the country. The stories have held interest for the young and the old. They lay stress on values. Related by word of mouth thousands of times, generation after generation, they retain their freshness, charm and meaning. Their purport is at times direct, at times direct, at times implied - the victory of virtue over evil, truth over falsehood, the sanctity of the pledged word, the triumph of love. Many characters are archetypes. They exalt and warn. Much more than moral-bearing, the classics have great lliterary excellence, and rich nuances of humor. Tales from Indian Classics, in three volumes, present select stories to the children.