Can one afford to just step off the ladder of success? Probably not. It is not the rat race for nothing. Up in the morning, breakfast on the run, back-to-back meetings, chasing clients - working hard, partying harder. Earning those big bucks to pay the EMIs and yet, feel like there is a gaping hole, that there is something missing, there has to be more to life than that high-flying job or the fat paycheck. Neel does just that. She falls of the grid, says bye-bye to her success story and decides to find out what is eating her inside, making her discontent. What follows is a 100-day rollercoaster ride, where her bewildered mama decides that if she is not working, she should be married and her brother that she should be studying or taking the pheras. Or else, she has a hundred days to get her act together. But Neel has other ideas and the doggedness of a pitbull, so she decides to chase a butterfly - "Find herself". But can she find her calling or what is it that makes her tick before the money runs out and she turns into a social pariah? As her brother's deadline runs out, Neel knows this is her last shot at freedom and a life on her terms. Will she find her wings, or limp back home broken? Read on and find out.